What is Duct Access?

If you are an ACMA licensed carrier, you can access Telstra’s network of ducts, tunnels, manholes and pits to install and operate your own cables and equipment.


  • Order duct access;
  • Put in your own subduct to carry your cable;
  • Install cable loops and joint closures along the route in approved locations.
Getting started

When applying for Duct Access, existing Telstra Wholesale customers who are licensed carriers will need to:


  • Ensure that the relevant terms and conditions of the contract for facilities access to the duct network have been agreed to and are understood, together with our policies, procedures and operations manuals;
  • Submit one or more study requests, an order form containing a design and construction proposal and a joint completion inspection request according to the ordering and provisioning procedures for Duct Access;
  • Have approval for physical access to Telstra sites before visiting any Telstra underground equipment or buildings;
  • Use approved contractors to install the equipment;
  • Submit a final 'as built drawing' so that Telstra can maintain current network records.
Physical access

Wholesale customers who require access to Telstra Exchanges, mobile sites and DUCT network, need to email: TWSiteAccess@team.telstra.com for up to date physical access information.


External Interconnect Cable (EIC) provides access to Telstra’s duct network of ducts, tunnels, manholes and pits which provides a link to exchange equipment.


Facilities Access Services