Telstra Wholesale
Our Roadmap to the Future
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Our Roadmap to the Future


Our world is more connected than ever thanks to the technology that has become such a part of our lives. Now, the seven billion people on this planet have close to six billion devices connected to the Internet. It won’t be long before that ratio reverses and connected devices will far outnumber the population. Leading industry players estimate that by 2020 there will be around 50 billion connected devices including eight billion mobile broadband connections.


What devices will be connected?

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology is the fundamental driver of the Internet of Things. From sensors that detect anomalies with machinery and allow them to be fixed before they fail, to connected cars, homes, and health monitoring - if there is a business case to gather and analyse data to generate deeper insights and create improvement, then you will likely find M2M technology at the forefront of the discussion.


Look to the clouds

Supporting much of this connected state is the movement towards the cloud. Cloud is no longer a fringe part of the way we connect. Businesses already depend on it to streamline their workflows and create a work environment that enables decentralised teams, mobility, speed, ease of use and security. Cloud services need scale, and while cloud customers are seeking to outsource their IT hardware costs and expertise they will still demand 99.95% uptime and the highest levels of data security available.


Content is king, but not without super fast delivery speed

Closely connected to Cloud services are content delivery networks, specialised in swiftly delivering large volumes of content from the closest possible node according to the end users specification or need. Content delivery networks become ever more vital as data volumes increase.


Broadband of the future

Connecting these technologies we will rely on faster broadband. The National Broadband Network (NBN) will be delivered to customers using a multi-technology mix of Fibre to the Node, Fibre to the Premises, Fibre to the Basement, HFC, Fixed Wireless and Satellite.

Telstra Wholesale's product roadmap will provide you with visibility of what to expect from us for the future. You can have peace of mind that we can provide support across your residential, business, backhaul infrastructure and mobility services.

We would love to hear your comments on the roadmap too -  what does it mean to you? How accurately does it cater for your business? Is there anything else you would like to see on it? We look forward to hearing your comments.


Find out more about Telstra Wholesale’s Product Roadmap

Rupinder Toor
The Author Rupinder Toor

Rupinder is a change leader with an obsession for digital and customer led design experiences.

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