Telstra Wholesale
Our points of Differentiation - Telstra Wholesale’s points of difference
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Our points of Differentiation - Telstra Wholesale’s points of difference

When it comes down to a matter of ensuring peace of mind and business continuity, SMB owners need durability in their networks, and the mobility to handle the unexpected. At Telstra Wholesale, we want to help ensure reliability for your customers at a time where it’s more important than ever before.

Our mobility advantage means that we are constantly innovating, using the latest technology to provide simple, reliable and affordable solutions for customers. We’ll continue to invest in our 4G fibre network, with innovative possibilities for customers to get set up fast.

In conjunction with this, our durability advantage means our products come with unique redundancy options and an even greater peace of mind for your users.

Our advantages of scale helps ensure benefits in delivery times and range of products, whilst our sales and service teams are available to help you construct solutions for customers.

Watch Tania Davis, Sales Principal of the Value Added Resellers team, talk through our points of difference above.

Glenda Lu
The Author Glenda Lu

Glenda Lu is a Product and Service Design Specialist at Telstra Wholesale. Her areas of interest include technology trends, customer experience and psychology. She is particularly interested in the intersection between human behaviour and the technology that can shape and change it.

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