How combining fibre and mobile makes it easier for you to sell

Telstra Wholesale
How combining fibre and mobile makes it easier for you to sell
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How combining fibre and mobile makes it easier for you to sell

Rapid Activation of services at a customer site

With Rapid Mobile Activation and Mobile Backup available across our data products, you can deliver services faster and with greater resilience and diversity.


Connectivity has never been more important to organisations. Our digital ways of doing business means it is not an optional extra; it’s fundamental to an organisation’s ability to function.

While every business is different, they all share some core requirements when it comes to buying connectivity. First and foremost is resilience. And businesses need it to be reliable. Interruptions and poor performance may mean a retailer can’t make sales, a hospitality venue can’t take payments, a doctor may not be able access patient data, or in today’s hybrid work environment, teammates can’t collaborate with each other. 

The second factor is speed of delivery. We all know installing new fibre services is far more complex than switching on consumer home internet, but customer expectations for how quickly providers can deliver a service continue to be shaped by their wider experiences. Long wait times or bespoke interim services can get a new customer relationship off on the wrong foot.

Tapping into these demands, and meeting or surpassing the accompanying expectations for service standards, can help you differentiate your offerings. These considerations have driven our ambition to combine the power of our fibre and mobile capabilities in our fibre portfolio. 

Ethernet Access now has Rapid Mobile Activation to join Mobile Backup

Our flexible Ethernet Access service enables you to offer customers networking solutions designed for them, making you their indispensable connections partner. 

We continue to evolve the product to keep you at the leading edge of fibre solutions with the forthcoming launch Rapid Mobile Activation for Ethernet Access. Rapid Mobile Activation enables you to set up a service and generate revenue while the fibre is installed. Then, when the fibre is activated, the mobile service switches to become Mobile Backup.  
You can choose to self-install or have a Telstra professional manage the installation of networking hardware at your customers’ sites, while you proactively manage your customer relationship and mitigate disruption to their business. And because you don’t need a separate interim connectivity solution, you can make the process a lot easier for yourself and your customer.

Successful field trials saw customers welcome the ability to deliver Ethernet services within 8-10 days, and paved the way for us to make Rapid Mobile Activation available for Ethernet Access orders from May 31st. And it comes with peace of mind, as mobile data is uncapped, and when adding ordering the service you can opt for speeds of up to 10, 20, 40 or 100 Mbps download to better match your end user's primary service experience.


Making business-grade internet simple

We operate in a market where there is intense competition for business, especially within the SMB segment. 

Our Wholesale Business Internet service is a complete, ready-made internet service for small and medium businesses. It’s built for simplicity, with everything included. Wholesale Business Internet gives you access to Telstra’s fibre network, internet access, IP addresses, monitor points and access to Telstra Wholesale’s MESH to help you configure the service. We offer both contended and uncontended service levels and we monitor the service 24/7 to ensure a reliable performance. 

You can also use the power of our mobile network with Wholesale Business Internet. Rapid Mobile Activation and Mobile Backup (with BYO device) are both available to include as part of your Wholesale Business Internet offering to customers, enabling you to provide an unmatched experience that helps you build trust with your customers. 

Rapid Mobile Activation for Wholesale Business Internet means you can deliver a billing service just minutes after a valid order for the fibre service is placed. Mobile data is unlimited, subject to our fair use policy, and when adding a mobile service with Wholesale Business Internet you can opt to cap speed at up to 20, 50 or 100 Mbps download to better match your end user's primary service experience.

With Mobile Backup, businesses are less likely to be affected or slowed down by an internet outage. You can achieve network diversity by offering fibre and mobile connections, compared to two fixed connections that follow the same path into the building. This can help maintain business continuity and could reduce frequency and severity of service calls.

There are now over 110,000 business premises connected and available to serve. In many cases, there are spare ports on devices in these sites just waiting for your service. 


By combining fibre and mobile, you can offer faster delivery, greater business continuity and the certainty end users remain connected, which means peace of mind for your customers and a competitive advantage for you.

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