The data revolution: opportunities for Mobile Virtual Network Operators
With data demand set to grow 17-fold by 2021 (Cisco research), and with consumers watching more data-heavy video on the move, Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) are being called upon to deliver faster, stronger and more personalised mobile services to millions of customers throughout Australia.
Over the last five years, Telstra has witnessed an unprecedented nine-fold growth in Australian mobile data consumption, driven mainly by streaming video. (Source: Telstra)
Smartphones (including phablets) will make up over 50 per cent of global devices and connections by 2021 . Overall, global mobile data traffic is expected to grow to 49 exabytes per month, a seven-fold increase from 2016. (Source: Cisco).
Steve Bauer, who leads Mobile Product Planning at Telstra Wholesale, sees this as a prime opportunity for some of Australia’s biggest MVNOs to grow and take their service delivery to the next level.
This so-called data explosion – coupled with changing consumer behaviours – has created an extremely interesting environment in which MVNOs can position their products.
Long gone are the days of competing on price and developing one-size-fits-all solutions. The focus today is on delivering a range of products with a great user experience. That means delivering quality and value as standard – but also going the extra mile by meeting the needs of particular market segments. Increasingly, this means delivering data-rich plans on a reliable network.
“Partnering directly with our resellers, we offer something unique in the form of tailored mobile plans that take into account their brand identity and individual customer skews,” says Steve.
Whether through Pre-Paid Mobile, Post-Paid Mobile or Wireless Broadband services, the idea is to help MVNOs create product offerings and pricing plans that speak to their individual markets – all while providing access to Telstra’s world-class network and industry-leading support services.
As things stand, more than 4800 4G and 7800 3G sites underpin the Telstra Wholesale coverage footprint. Their mobile solutions provide combined 4G and 3G service to 98.8% of the Australian population – covering a landmass of more than 1.59 million square kilometres.
“Everything we do is done with the intention of helping mobile businesses thrive,” says Steve. “Which is why we have our sights firmly fixed on the future.”
Right now, Telstra is tapping into some very exciting advances in the mobile data space – from feature operator platform upgrades, to the integration of 5G and the creation of their ‘network of the future’.
With a proven business model that truly capitalises on partnership and collaboration, this thinking means Telstra Wholesale is in a good position to be part of the new mobile era.
What you need to know:
- Mobile data demand has increased 9-fold in the past five years, driven mainly by streaming video.
- Telstra Wholesale works with MVNOs to future-proof their businesses and to deliver a range of data plans designed exclusively for their individual market segments.
- With a range of new technologies on the horizon, MVNOs will be able to offer their customers even more, thanks to their partnership with Telstra Wholesale.
- Follow Telstra Wholesale on LinkedIn.