Growing a business through quality connectivity & thinking differently

Telstra Wholesale
Growing a business through quality connectivity & thinking differently
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Growing a business through quality connectivity & thinking differently

Design Thinking


X Integration is a family-run business which has evolved from an IT services company to offer full end-to-end network, data and IT services to businesses and consumers (through its Leaptel brand). Matt Enger, Managing Director of X Integration tells us about the company’s journey and how they have responded to changing market demands.

It is an understatement to say that technology and telecommunications have changed in the 15 years since Matt Enger, Managing Director of X Integration, founded the IT and network consultancy with his brother.

“When we started, Cloud wasn’t really a big thing, but looking back it transformed our business,” Matt says. “Before the global financial crisis (GFC) we focused on IT support but the GFC prompted a lot of organisations to save costs and bring that function in-house. But at the same time, telecommunications were still critical and cloud services were really starting to take off.”

X Integration expanded first into ADSL, selling data and internet networks to small service providers and direct to long-standing customers. Since then X Integration has added nbnTM services, Ethernet Access, data transit services and voice products. They sell through channel partners and provide them with support to design and set up the networks.

“We have seen a real need for our expertise in the market. For example, a lot of companies are moving from PABX systems to more modern software-based systems. Those solutions offer more flexibility but setting up and managing them also require more IT experience,” Matt says.

Matt says this demand for expertise remains, even with the rollout of the nbn network.

“The advent of the nbn network has created confusion for some customers. They want to know what the best solution is for them. Businesses of all sizes need fast, reliable connectivity to their cloud services. As a result, we have had a lot of growth in our ethernet solutions as the prices of Ethernet Access have become a lot more competitive.”

On the consumer side, X Integration uses Telstra Wholesale’s data backhaul service to meet customers’ needs for fast broadband.

“We started Leaptel three years ago to provide quality telephone and internet solutions to customers around Australia. Our products are aimed at a residential and small business market which are among our heaviest users of the TWI transit product. We increase our transit capacity to meet peak demand. This flexibility enables us to offer the quality of internet service our customers demand even as traffic increases.”

If Matt’s experience of the radical changes in the industry has taught him anything, it’s that he needs to keep up with the way the market is evolving.

“We recently took part in Telstra Wholesale’s Business Partnership Program. It was a great opportunity for us to sit back and think about our customers in a different way using a human centred design approach.

“It has helped us change the way we design and position products. Now we focus on what our customers are seeking to achieve rather than what we thought they wanted.

“We understand why we were getting less traction in certain segments. So, we improved our marketing, especially for Leaptel offers. We simplified product names and used everyday language to explain their features.”

Matt says their new mindset is helping them to win new customers and grow their residential business.

“The numbers of customers signing up has increased since then, so it is clearly working!”

John Fearn
The Author John Fearn

John is a writer and tech addict with over 15 years’ experience of working for leading technology companies in both Australia and the UK.

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