Whether you need IoT connectivity for your devices, or a platform to manage it all on, we can help provide a solution with coverage on the Telstra IoT Network.

Manage millions of M2M devices

Get better visibility and control of data, connectivity and operations of machine-to-machine devices with our integrated IoT management system.

IoT connectivity management
Connect consumer IoT devices to our network

Simple, reliable and secure data communications to and from consumer IoT devices with a network and plans designed for scaled IoT deployments.

Device connectivity
How our IoT solutions are being used

The smart home

Consumer demand for Internet of Things in the home is growing. Solution providers can create new opportunities by offering from security cameras to wellness monitors and utility management devices.


Car manufacturers

A global car manufacturer can enable remote connection back to their platforms with automatic profile switching.


Supply chain security

Logistics companies can use smart solutions to track item providence, perishable storage conditions and packaging location.



Data and IP

We provide a full suite of IoT consulting services to help you design, trial, scale and manage your IoT solutions, enabling you to maximise your return on investment.


Choose the right solution



Device connectivity

Mobile connectivity and plans for consumer IoT devices

Connectivity management

A platform manage connectivity to and activation of millions of M2M devices

Use cases
  • Consumer wearables
  • Home IoT
  • Connected cars

  • Logistics

  • Environment monitoring & control

  • Many more…

We provide

  • Connectivity  
    Plus optional Enablement, Billing,  
  • CRM, Reporting 
  • Connectivity

  • Connectivity management platform

You provide / manage
  • Devices

  • Customer/device activations

  • Customer relationship

  • Devices

  • Service activation and management platform

  • Customer relationship